Saturday, January 5, 2013

Which method to use in order to make accept a new flag?

-There are different possibilities: a referendum, but it is not used to convoke the voters for such a issue, which is indeed identitary but unsignificant from important political issues (change of constitution, change of regime,...).

-There is the Parliament debate. Probably at the end the new flag would be adopted this way.
-At last, there is the people's initiative: some citizens have make their own site to popularise a new design as Fred Rieben, Peter Ballard  Brendan Jones or Dylan Crawfoot...

The association Ausflag organise competitions to find a new design and promotes the idea that a new flaf is needed...
Whereas the Australian National Flag Association promotes the maintaining of the Blue ensign as it is linked to Australia's history.
The popular promotion has been made for two flags in Australia: the Aboriginal flag created in Adelaide, SA in 1971 by Harold Thomas as a sign of activism. The Torres Strait Islanders flag was created in 1992 by Bernard Namok in a competition. These two flags are now popular and even taken by no-Aboriginal and no-Melanesian populations, sign of popularity, sign of sucess for these two flags.
So let's make this for the people's flag of Australia! First step: creating a flag just for people, not the State; then if things evolve, why not adopting it as a National flag?...

The debate is not ready to be closed!

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